Properties of Architecture Knowledge Domain Ontology

  1. Properties
  2. History
  3. Community
  4. Source

Welcome to ArchiMind semantic wiki for software architecture documentation.

ArchiMind is adapted from the OntoWiki semantic wiki.
(see Auer et al. - “Ontowiki a tool for social, semantic collaboration,” ISWC2006. Springer LNCS, 2006, vol. 4273, pp. 736–749.)

For instructions on using the ArchiMind semantic wiki GUI, see the figure at the bottom of this page.

For information on the semantic annotation mechanism, please read:

• K.A. de Graaf, Annotating Software Documentation in Semantic Wikis, In Proceedings of the fourth workshop on Exploiting semantic annotations in information retrieval (ESAIR '11), pp. 5-6., ACM (2011)

The AK retrieval performance of this semantic wiki was tested and reported in the following publication:

• K.A. de Graaf, Antony Tang, Peng Liang, Hans van Vliet - Ontology-based Software Architecture Documentation - In Proceedings of the Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA/ECSA 2012), pp. 121-130, 2012

The ontology used in the semantic wiki is based on, and adapted from, the Lightweight Software Ontology in:

• Antony Tang, Peng Liang, Hans van Vliet - Software Architecture Documentation: The Road Ahead - WICSA2011

Wikipages can contain content of Software Architecture Documentation.

Ontology class instances can be added and edited by pressing the button "switch to input mode" when viewing an ontology instance.

Documentation content (and its lay-out) is added in a WYSIWYG editor by:
1) creating or editing an instance of an ontology class (see "navigation: Classes"), and then
2) typing "content" in an empty the text-input form and hitting the "enter" button

A short illustration of the GUI features is shown in the image below.

The ontology structure is depicted below.

Architecture Knowledge Domain Ontology


Knowledge Bases


  1. Local
  2. OpenID