Properties of Partially extensible data sources

  1. Properties
  2. History
  3. Community
  4. Source
The partly extensible-solution is also extensible, but more in a focused way. A new data source can be included, however the type of data source needs to be defined within the application already. For example, a new type of version control system can be included without changing the internal structure of the application, but for a completely new type of data source, the internal structure has to be modified to support this type of data source. The partly extensible-solution has abstractions on the type level, which makes it more complex compared to the current fit-solution. This is because the abstractions have to be researched and a general data representation has to be developed. This raises the complexity . This solution is more difficult to deploy because apart from the specific data source configuration, also the type of data source has to be configured. For instance, the application will not know out of the blue which instance of a version control system used or even how many version control systems are in operation within the organization, so this needs to be configured.
partly extensible data sources – Fitted on the current situation, but with a flexibility to use systems with the same ways to process and retrieve the data. In this scenario, the data sources are categorized. For instance, there is a category version control, a category contact, etc. All these categories provide an abstract data representation and an interface for the concrete implementation.
knowledge is located in
Partially extensible data sources
supported by
  • Option
  • Scenario
Partially extensible data sources


Knowledge Bases


  1. Local
  2. OpenID