Properties of Data extraction technique - push or pull

  1. Properties
  2. History
  3. Community
  4. Source
The application consists of three layers, in which the first and second layer mutate the data delivered to them in order to pass it along to the second layer and the third layer exposes this data to the outside world (if authenticated). Thus a method must be chosen to get data from one layer to another. This can roughly be done in two ways: push or pull.
depends on
design decision
Decision: Pull data After weighing the options, it appears that pushing the data only as a single major advantage: the fact that the critical systems can decide when they have sufficient resources available for pushing their code to the application. The biggest disadvantage however, the fact that not all systems are compatible with this solution is reason enough to discard the idea. The stakeholders have said that they’re always looking for new tools that can do a better job. If an application turns out to be incompatible with this system, not all necessary data can be used to draw conclusions regarding communication, etc. This should not be allowed to happen.
knowledge is located in
data transportation technique - push or pull
has alternative
  • Design issue
Data extraction technique - push or pull


Knowledge Bases


  1. Local
  2. OpenID