Properties of fully extensible data sources

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If we look at extensibility , we see that the fully extensible-solution is the most extensible, like the name already says. It can be fully extended with different types of data sources. This -solution is more complex than other options, because the abstractions are at the data source level. Because of this, within the application there isn’t a structure available for types of data, in contrast to the partly extensible solution. This means that the application has to be able to handle every type of data, which raises the complexity a lot. When the complexity of a system rises, so does the development time because if the solution is more complex, more time goes into research, design and development. More development time means more development costs . Because of this, the complexity of the application is proportional to the cost of the application. This solution requires a lot of configuration to fit it to the different data sources. Data models need to be configured and the translation between the data from the data sources and the data models needs to be defined. Because of this, the deployment of this solution is the most complex.
This scenario describes 'fully extensible data sources' – Fully extensible and flexible to use every kind of source system In this scenario, the application is built in a way that new data sources can be added regardless of type. The application provides an interface for new data sources which needs to be implemented and after that, the new data source can be plugged in. The internal structure doesn’t have to be modified for any new data sources.
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fully extensible data sources
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fully extensible data sources


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